

Lost Thread. Online tablet weaving course


Miller’s Day at the Open-Air Museum in Kwiatkówek

A card for Mum – natural printing


Old Norwegian crafts – exhibition and workshop

Midsummer night in Koluszki


“Touch Lodz! Sensory walks and educational workshops”

Follow-up of the Touch Lodz! project conducted in 2021. The 2022 edition is aimed at getting to know the nature and culture of the city, with particular emphasis on the sense of touch. The project includes four sensory walks in parks and public gardens of Łódź, the creation of two educational films, and two creative workshops on designing sensory paths and on spatial embroidery.

Concept, coordination: Anna Raczkowska

Financing: Łódź City Council


“Touch Lodz!” Nature and art of parks – sensory walks

Continuation of Anna Raczkowska’s (artist and WICI’s president) projects based on sensory education. Project activities include two stationary sensory walks in Łódź parks and the production of two short educational films disseminating knowledge about park culture, specifics of sculptor’s work, and the natural and cultural richness of local parks.

Concept, coordination: Anna Raczkowska

Financing: Łódź City Council